Chinese Journal of Comparative Medicine was founded in 1991, formerly known as Chinese Journal of Laboratory Animal, and was renamed as the current title in 2003. It isopen access, peer-review publishing journal. The objective of Chinese Journal of Comparative Medicine is to build an international academic exchange platform for scientists in the fields of Biology, Veterinary Medicine, Bioengineering, Medicine, Pharmacy, Biomedical Engineering. Topics explored by Chinese Journal of Comparative Medicine include new animal models of human disease, laboratory animal medicine, basic biologic mechanisms related to disease, laboratory animal welfare, and laboratory animal biotechnology. The journal is supervised by China Association for Science and Technology and supported by Chinese Association for Laboratory Animal Sciences and Institute of Laboratory Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College.
Editor-in-Chief: Qin Chuan
Frequency: Monthly
ISSN 1671-7856, CN 11-4822/R
The manuscript categories are as follow: Editorials, Reviews, Original Research Article, Short Communications, Technical Notes, Laboratory Animal Welfare and Ethics, Guidelines and Consensus, Meeting Reports, Commentaries, Research Highlights