Study on repairing effect of moxibustion at different acupoints

1.Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine;2.Zhongshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

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    Objective: To compare the repair effects of moxibustion "Guanyuan" and "Shenshu" on thin endometrium rats. Methods: 32 SD rats were randomly divided into normal group, model group, Guan Yuan group and Shenshu group with 8 rats in each group. Thin endometrium model was established using 95% anhydrous alcohol. After two estrus cycles, the Guanyuan group and Shenshu group moxibusted "Guanyuan" and "Shenshu" points, once a day, and rested for 1 day every 6 days for a total of 21 days. The other two groups were fixed in the same way. The temperature changes in the acupoint area at different time were measured by infrared thermometer, the pathological morphology of uterus was observed by HE staining, and serum levels of IL-1β, IL-10, E2 and PROG were detected by ELISA. The expressions of Ki67, PCNA, LIF and ITG-β3 in uterus were detected by immunohistochemistry. The expression levels of ANG-1、CD34和VEGFA in uterus were detected by Western blot. Results: Immediately after moxibustion and 5min after moxibustion, the body surface temperature at Shenshu point was higher than that at Guanyuan point (P<0.001, P<0.01). Compared with normal group, endometrial thickness, number of glands and blood vessels in model group were decreased (P<0.0001, P< 0.01, P<0.001), The endometrial thickness, number of glands and blood vessels increased in Guanyuan group (P<0.0001, P<0.01, P<0.01) and Shenshu group (P < 0.0001, P<0.01, P<0.05),and the endometrial thickness, number of glands and blood vessels in Guanyuan group were better than those in Shenshu group, but the difference was not statistically significant. Compared with normal group, the serum IL-1β level in model group was increased (P<0.01), and the PROG level was decreased (P<0.001). Compared with model group, the serum IL-1β in Guanyuan group were decreased (P<0.01), E2 level and PROG level increased (P<0.01, P<0.05),and the serum IL-1β were decreased (P<0.05), IL-10,E2 and PROG levels (P<0.05, P<0.05, P<0.01) were increased in Shenshu group. Compared with normal group, the expressions of Ki67, PCNA, LIF and ITG-β3 of model group were decreased (P< 0.0001). Compared with model group, the expressions of Ki67, PCNA, LIF and ITG-β3 in Guanyuan group (P<0.0001) and Shenshu group (P<0.001, P<0.001, P<0.0001, P<0.001) were increased, and PCNA expression in Guanyuan group was higher than that in Shenshu group (P<0.05). The expressions of LIF and ITG-β3 in Shenshu group were stronger than those in Guanyuan group (P<0.01, P<0.05). Compared with normal group, the expression of ANG-1 and CD34 protein in uterine tissue of model group was decreased (P<0.0001). Compared with model group, the expressions of ANG-1, CD34 and VEGFA in Guanyuan group were increased (P<0.0001), and the expressions of CD34 and VEGFA in Shenyu group were increased (P<0.0001). The expression of ANG-1 in Guanyuan group was higher than that in Shenyu group (P<0.0001), while the expression of CD34 in Shenyu group was higher than that in Guanyuan group (P<0.05). Conclusion: Moxibustion "Guanyuan" point and "Shenshu" point could repair thin endometrium, Guanyuan point is superior to Shenshu point in reducing the level of inflammatory factors, increasing the level of E2, promoting the expression of proliferation factors, while Shenshu point is superior to Guanyuan point in increasing the level of anti-inflammatory factors and PROG, and promoting the expression of endometrium receptor related factors. The two points may play a role in promoting angiogenesis through different ways.

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  • Received:June 18,2024
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  • Adopted:October 30,2024
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