
1.山西医科大学公共卫生学院,太原 030000;2.深圳市疾病预防控制中心深圳市现代毒理学重点实验室,深圳市卫生毒理学医学重点学科(2020-2024),广东 深圳 518055



Preliminary studies on the mode of activity of CdCl2 in combination with nicotine in spermatogonial cells

1. College of Public Health, Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan 030000, China.2. Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Modern Toxicology, Shenzhen Medical Key Discipline of Health Toxicology(2020-2024), Shenzhen Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shenzhen 518055

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    目的 探讨CdCl2与尼古丁联合作用对小鼠精原GC-1细胞周期和凋亡的影响及其联合作用方式。 方法 设置CdCl2组、尼古丁组以及联合作用组24 h(简称联用组)3组,采用CCK-8法检测对GC-1细胞增殖的抑制,流式细胞术检测对GC-1细胞周期和凋亡的影响。 结果 随着浓度的升高,CdCl2、尼古丁对GC-1细胞增殖的抑制作用增强,CdCl2、尼古丁对GC-1细胞的24 h IC50分别为5.409和2814 μmol/L。CdCl2和尼古丁联用,在尼古丁浓度为0.175、0.350、0.700、和1.400 mmol/L时,其对GC-1细胞的IC50分别为4.422、4.532、3.309和2.532 μmol/L,呈明显的递减过程,均低于CdCl2单独作用组,CdCl2和尼古丁联合作用时具有协同作用。细胞周期结果显示,CdCl2浓度为2.5 μmol/L时联用组G2 /M期细胞占比上升(P<0.01),与CdCl2组、尼古丁组比较,联用组增强将细胞阻滞在G2 /M期的效应,对细胞周期的影响具有协同作用,且CdCl2对于协同作用的影响更强。细胞凋亡结果显示,与CdCl2组、尼古丁组比较,联用组细胞凋亡比例显著增加(P<0.01),对细胞凋亡的影响具有协同作用,且CdCl2对于协同作用的影响更强。 结论 CdCl2和尼古丁联合时具有协同作用,对小鼠精原细胞毒性作用增强,细胞周期发生阻滞,促进凋亡,且CdCl2对协同作用的影响更强。


    Objective To investigate the combined effect of CdCl2 and nicotine on the cell cycle and apoptosis of mouse spermatogonium (GC-1). Methods A CCK-8 assay was used to detect the inhibition of GC-1 cell proliferation in the CdCl2 groups, nicotine groups, and combined groups at 24 hours. Flow cytometry was used to detect the effects of CdCl2, nicotine, and the combined treatment on the cell cycle and apoptosis of GC-1 cells at 24 hours. Results The inhibitory effect on the proliferation of GC-1 cells increased with the rise in CdCl2 and nicotine concentrations. The IC50 values of CdCl2 and nicotine alone were 5.409 μmol/L and 2814 μmol/L, respectively. The IC50 values of CdCl2 and nicotine combined for GC-1 cells were 4.422, 4.532, 3.309, and 2.532 μmol/L at nicotine concentrations of 0.175, 0.350, 0.700, and 1.400 mmol/L, respectively, thus there was an obvious decrease with nicotine concentration. The IC50 values were lower than those of the group administered CdCl2 alone, and the combined action of CdCl2 and nicotine had synergistic effects. Cell cycle result showed that CdCl2 concentration of 2.5 μmol/L increased the percentage of G2 /M phase cells in the combination groups. Cells were arrested in the G2 /M phase in the combined groups (P<0.01). When combined, CdCl2 and nicotine had a synergistic effect on the cell cycle, and the synergistic effect of CdCl2 was stronger. The result of apoptosis showed the proportion of cells in apoptosis increased in the 2.5 μmol/L CdCl2 group. Compared with the CdCl2 and nicotine single-treatment groups, the CdCl2 and nicotine combined group’s percentage of cells in apoptosis increased significantly(P<0.01), and CdCl2 had a stronger synergistic effect. Conclusions Combinations of CdCl2 and nicotine had a synergistic effect on mouse spermatogonium(GC-1)and led to enhanced cytotoxicity, G2 /M cell cycle arrest, and cell apoptosis. CdCl2 was the main effect factor in the synergistic effect.


韩 雪,蒋 莉,张 远,吴德生,黄海燕,刘建军. CdCl2与尼古丁对精原细胞联合作用方式的初步研究[J].中国比较医学杂志,2024,34(11):50~58.

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  • 收稿日期:2024-05-09
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-01-03