WHBE 兔膝骨关节炎模型的建立与 PRFr 的干预研究

1.浙江中医药大学 动物实验研究中心/ 比较医学研究中心,杭州 310053;2.浙江中医药大学第二临床医学院,杭州 310053;3.浙江中医药大学生命科学学院,杭州 310053





Establishment of a WHBE rabbit knee osteoarthritis model and therapeutic effect of platelet-rich fibrin releasates

1. Laboratory Animal Research Center/ Comparative Medical Research Institute, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University,Hangzhou 310053, China. 2. the Second Affiliated College of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou 310053.3. School of Life Science, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou 310053

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    目的 采用内侧副韧带和部分髌韧带切除术建立 WHBE 兔 KOA 模型并用富血小板纤维蛋白释放液(PRFr)干预,探讨 WHBE 兔 KOA 模型软骨损伤和炎症的机制以及 PRFr 干预疗效。 方法 取 WHBE 兔 24 只,随机分成 3 组,即对照(NC)组(n= 6)、模型(KOA)组( n= 12)和治疗(PRFr)组( n= 6);其中 KOA 组和 PRFr 组分别于术后第 7 天和第 14 天时向两侧关节腔内注射生理盐水和 PRFr 0. 5 mL。 造模 4、8 周时,各组动物进行行为学评分、X 线影像学观察,并取血清进行 ELISA 检测 IL-1β、TNF-α、MMP-13 水平,4 周时 KOA 组处理 6 只,8 周时处理各组剩余动物,取兔双侧膝关节,进行大体评分,脱钙后行病理切片制作,然后进行 HE 染色、甲苯胺蓝染色和番红O 固绿染色以及 TGF-β、BMP3 和 NF-κB 免疫组化表达检测。 结果 与 NC 组比,造模后 WHBE 兔 Lequesne MG 行为学评分,Mankin’s 评分,Pelletier 评分均显著升高(P<0. 01),可见膝关节肿胀明显、关节疼痛刺激和活动受限明显,且 X 光显示软组织呈高密度阴影,关节积液较多,解剖观察显示关节面粗糙,病理观察显示软骨表面缺损,软骨细胞丢失或部分丢失,表明 WHBE 兔 KOA 模型成立。 与 KOA 组比较,PRFr 干预治疗后血清炎症水平( IL-1β、TNF-α、MMP-13)均显著降低(P<0. 05,P<0. 01),软骨表面粗糙程度低,大部分软骨细胞分布整齐;同时 TGF-β、BMP3 和 NF-κB 表达水平亦显著降低(P<0. 01)。 结论 本研究成功建立了 WHBE 兔 KOA 模型,且 PRFr 可通过TGF-β/ BMP 和 NF-κB 途径改善 WHBE 兔 KOA 模型软骨损伤和炎症。


    Objective To investigate the mechanism of cartilage injury and inflammation in the WHBE rabbit KOA model and the effect of platelet-rich fibrin releasates (PRFr) treatment on the KOA process, we established a WHBE rabbit KOA model by excision of medial collateral and partial patellar ligaments and administered a PRFr solution. Methods Twenty-four WHBE rabbits were randomly divided into three groups: normal control ( NC) group ( n= 6),model(KOA) group(n= 12), and cure(PRFr) group ( n= 6). KOA and PRFr groups were injected with 0. 5 mL saline and PRFr into both joint cavities on 7 and 14 postoperative days, respectively. At 4 and 8 weeks of modeling, the knee joint grade scoring, X-ray imaging, and gross scoring were performed. Serum levels of IL-1β, TNF-α, and MMP-13 were measured by ELISA. At 4 weeks, 6 animals in the KOA group were euthanized, and at 8 weeks, the remaining animals in each group were euthanized. Pathological sections were prepared after decalcification, and then HE, toluidine blue, and safranin O-fast green staining and immunohistochemical analysis of TGF-β, BMP3, and NF-κB were conducted. Results The Lequesne MG behavioral score, Mankin’ s score, and Pelletier score of WHBE rabbits after the operation were significantly increased compared with the NC group (P<0. 01). Pathological observations revealed surface defects of the cartilage and partial loss of chondrocytes. These result indicated that the KOA model was established successfully. In KOA rabbits, knee joint swelling, joint pain stimulation, and movement limitation were obvious. X-rays showed a high-density soft tissue shadow, indicating more joint effusion and a rough articular surface in general. After PRFr treatment, the serum levels of proinflammatory factors IL-1β, TNF-α, and MMP-13 in KOA model rabbits were significantly reversed (P<0. 05,P<0. 01). Additionally, the cartilage surface became smooth, and most chondrocytes were neatly distributed. Expression levels of TGF-β, BMP3, and NF-κB induced by KOA were also significantly decreased (P<0. 01). Conclusions We successfully established a KOA model in WHBE rabbits, and PRFr improved the cartilage injury and inflammation of the WHBE rabbit KOA model through TGF-β/ BMP and NF-κB pathways.


黄俊杰,陈民利,朱科燕,江劲翱,张静惠,蒋 超,潘永明. WHBE 兔膝骨关节炎模型的建立与 PRFr 的干预研究[J].中国比较医学杂志,2024,34(5):~65.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-07-25
  • 在线发布日期: 2024-06-26