
1.青岛市第五人民医院风湿病科,山东 青岛 266002;2.中国人民解放军总医院第五医学中心感染病医学部研究所,北京 100039



Effect of Hypericum japonicum on the hyperuricemia model in rats

1. Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, Fifth People’s Hospital of Qingdao City, Qingdao 266002, China. 2. Department of Infectious Disease Medicine, Fifth Medical Center of Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100039

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    目的 探讨田基黄对高尿酸血症大鼠模型的干预作用效果。 方法 选取72 只SD 大鼠,随机分为6组:对照组、模型组、田基黄低、中、高剂量组和非布司他组。除对照组外,其它各组大鼠均以氧嗪酸钾盐(250 mg/(kg·d))腹腔注射建立高尿酸血症模型,对照组则给予同剂量的生理盐水。连续造模4 周后,非布司他组每天以0. 01 g/ kg 剂量灌胃,田基黄低、中、高剂量组分别每天以0. 16 g/ kg、0. 22 g/ kg、0. 27 g/ kg 剂量灌胃治疗。观察大鼠一般生活状态和外观的变化,比较血清生化指标:尿酸(uric acid,UA)、尿素氮(urea nitrogen,BUN)、肌酐酸(creatinine,Cre)、谷丙转氨酶(glutamic-pyruvic transaminase,ALT)、谷草转氨酶(glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, AST)和血清炎症因子:肿瘤坏死因子-α(tumor necrosis factor-α,TNF-α)、白细胞介素17(interleukin 17,IL-17)、白细胞介素18(interleukin 18,IL-18)的变化情况,同时观察对比各组大鼠肾病理的变化情况。 结果 模型组大鼠出现了明显的精神状态差,行动缓慢等一系列症状,而田基黄各剂量组均能够明显改善这些状态。模型组的血尿酸、肌酐、尿素氮的水平均显著升高(P<0. 05,P<0. 01),田基黄能够显著降低模型组的血尿酸、肌酐与尿素氮水平(P<0. 05,P<0. 01),并且改善程度也与剂量的增高成正比。模型组大鼠的血清炎症因子IL-17、IL-18 和TGF-α 的水平均出现显著升高(P<0. 05,P<0. 01),非布司他组的炎症因子均显著降低至正常水平(P<0. 05,P<0. 01),而田基黄中剂量组与高剂量组的IL-17、IL-18 和TGF-α 的水平均显著降低且具有统计学差异(P<0. 05,P<0. 01)。病理结果显示:模型组大鼠的肾小球轻微萎缩,局部有少量炎性细胞浸润,肾小管的管腔明显增粗、上皮细胞变性坏死,肾间质纤维化;田基黄高剂量组肾间质纤维化明显改善,仅见少量炎性细胞浸润,肾小球和肾小管的结构基本恢复正常,接近非布司他组。 结论 田基黄具有降低血尿酸的作用,并且可能通过抑制炎症反应对高尿酸血症模型大鼠的肾起到保护和治疗作用。


    Objective To explore the therapeutic effect of Hypericum japonicum on the hyperuricemia rat model. Methods Seventy-two SD rats were randomly divided into six groups: a blank group, model group, low, medium, and high dose groups of Hypericum japonicum, and a Febrista group. Except in the blank group, the hyperuricemia model was established by intraperitoneal injection of 250 mg/ (kg·d) potassium oxonate. The blank group was administered the same volume of normal saline as the control. After 4 weeks of continuous modeling, the Febrista group was treated at 0. 01 g/ (kg·d) administered by gavage, and the low, middle and high dose groups of Hypericum japonicum were treated at 0. 16, 0. 22, and 0. 27 g/ (kg·d) by gavage, respectively. Changes in general living conditions and the appearance of rats, serum biochemical indicators (UA, BUN, Cre, ALT, and AST) and serum proinflammatory factors (TNF-α, IL-17, and IL-18) were observed and compared. Changes in the renal pathology of rats were also observed and compared. Results Each dose of Hypericum japonicum improve a series of symptoms, such as a poor mental state and slow movement of rats. Hypericum japonicum also significantly reduced the serum levels of uric acid, creatinine, and urea nitrogen in the model group, and the improvement was dependent on dose. IL-17, IL-18 and TGF-α levels in medium and high dose groups of Hypericum japonicum were decreased significantly. Pathological observations also showed that Hypericum japonicum improved atrophy of the glomerulus and swelling of the renal tubular lumen, and renal interstitial fibrosis was significantly improved with only a small number of infiltrating inflammatory cells. The improvement of the renal status was dependent on dose. Conclusions Hypericum japonicum reduces blood uric acid and may elicit protective and therapeutic effects in the kidney of hyperuricemia model rats by inhibiting inflammatory reactions.


高 萍,李晓娟,许 宁,李瑞生,李兴杰,李爱民.田基黄对大鼠高尿酸血症模型干预效果的分析[J].中国比较医学杂志,2023,33(8):80~85.

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  • 收稿日期:2022-12-06
  • 在线发布日期: 2023-11-09