北京协和医学院比较医学中心,中国医学科学院医学实验动物研究所,国家卫生健康委员会人类疾病比较医学重点实验室,新发再发传染病动物模型研究北京市重点实验室,北京 100021
YANG Chenbo
Comparative Medicine Center, Peking Union College (PUMC)&Institute of Laboratory Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS); NHC Key Laboratory of Human Disease Comparative Medicine; Beijing Key Laboratory for Animal Models of Emerging and Remerging Infectious Diseases, Beijing 100021, ChinaCONG Zhe
Comparative Medicine Center, Peking Union College (PUMC)&Institute of Laboratory Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS); NHC Key Laboratory of Human Disease Comparative Medicine; Beijing Key Laboratory for Animal Models of Emerging and Remerging Infectious Diseases, Beijing 100021, ChinaXUE Jing
Comparative Medicine Center, Peking Union College (PUMC)&Institute of Laboratory Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS); NHC Key Laboratory of Human Disease Comparative Medicine; Beijing Key Laboratory for Animal Models of Emerging and Remerging Infectious Diseases, Beijing 100021, ChinaComparative Medicine Center, Peking Union College (PUMC)&Institute of Laboratory Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS); NHC Key Laboratory of Human Disease Comparative Medicine; Beijing Key Laboratory for Animal Models of Emerging and Remerging Infectious Diseases, Beijing 100021, China
杨晨波,丛 喆,薛 婧. FEM1B 的结构与功能及在肿瘤和HIV 感染中的作用[J].中国比较医学杂志,2023,33(5):112~117.