
1.广州质量监督检测研究院,广州 511447;2.华南农业大学,广州 510000



Static inhalation toxicity of plastic racetrack surface materials in rats

1.Guangzhou Quality Supervision and Testing Institute, Guangzhou 511447, China. 2. South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510000

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    目的 研究全塑型塑胶跑道面层材料对大鼠静式吸入毒性。 方法 将检疫合格的雌、雄性 SD 大鼠随机分为 4 组,分别为 30 d 正常对照组、30 d 染毒组、90 d 正常对照组和 90 d 染毒组,每组 16 只,雌雄各半,每天吸入 1 h,分别染毒 30 d 和 90 d。 实验结束后,对各组大鼠进行剖检,检测凝血、血常规、血生化指标,计算脏器系数, 并对各脏器进行组织病理学检查。 结果 与同期正常对照组比较,30 d 染毒组雄鼠凝血酶时间( TT) 缩短(P< 0. 05),90 d 染毒组雌鼠活化部分凝血活酶时间(APTT) 延长(P< 0. 01)。 30 d 染毒组雌鼠血清 Ca、P 降低(P< 0.05,P<0.01),雄鼠血清肌酐(Cr)、尿素氮(BUN)升高;90 d 染毒组雌鼠血清 BUN、P 升高(P<0.05,P<0.01)及 Na、Cl 降低(P<0.01),雄鼠血清 BUN、总蛋白(TP)升高(P<0.05)。 30、90 d 染毒组雄鼠肾上腺系数均增大(P< 0. 01)。 30 d 染毒组大鼠肝汇管区轻度肝细胞脂肪变性 3 例,肺细小支气管上皮脱落 3 例,肾囊肿 1 例,睾丸个别曲细精管萎缩 1 例。 90 d 染毒组大鼠肝汇管区轻度肝细胞脂肪变性 6 例,肺细小支气管上皮脱落 2 例,肾上腺束状 带细胞灶性肥大 1 例,睾丸个别曲细精管萎缩 2 例,肾个别肾小球毛细血管扩张 2 例、肾囊肿 1 例、透明管型 4 例、 矿化 1 例、肾盂积水 1 例。 结论 在本实验条件下,30 d 吸入暴露全塑型塑胶跑道面层材料对 SD 大鼠肝、肺、睾丸、肾影响较轻,90 d 吸入暴露对大鼠肾损伤加重。


    Objective To study the static inhalation toxicity of plastic racetrack surface materials in rats. Methods SD rats that passed quarantine inspection were randomly divided into four groups, namely 30 day normal control, 30 day exposure group, 90 day normal control, and 90 day exposure groups with 16 males and females in each group. Rats were exposed to gases by inhalation for 30 or 90 days. At the end of inhalation exposure, blood coagulation, blood routine test, blood biochemistry, organ coefficient, and organ pathology were assessed. Results Compared with normal control group of the same sex, thrombin time of male rats was shortened in the 30 day exposure group (P<0.05) and activated partial thrombin time of female rats was prolonged in the 90 day exposure group (P<0.01). Serum Ca and P were decreased in female rats (P<0.05, P<0.01), and serum creatinine and urea nitrogen (BUN) in rats were increased in the 30 day exposure group. In the 90 day exposure group, serum BUN and P were increased (P<0.05, P<0.01), Na and Cl were decreased of female rats (P<0.01), whereas serum BUN and total protein were increased in male rats (P< 0.05). The adrenal coefficient of male rats was increased in 30 and 90 day exposure groups (P<0.01). In the 30 day exposure group, there were three cases of mild steatosis of hepatocytes in the hepatic portal area, three cases of exfoliation of the bronchoalveolar epithelium, one case of renal cyst, and one case of individual convoluted tubule atrophy of testis. In the 90 day exposure group, there were six cases of mild steatosis of hepatocytes in the hepatic portal area, two cases of exfoliation of the bronchoalveolar epithelium, one case of cellular focal hypertrophy of adrenal zona fasciculata, two cases of individual convoluted tubule atrophy of the testis, two cases of individual glomerular telangiectasia of the kidney, one case of renal cyst, four cases of hyaline cast of the kidney, one case of mineralization, and one case of hydronephrosis. Conclusions The effects on the liver, lung, testis, and kidney of SD rats were slight after 30 days of inhalation exposure, while kidney damage was aggravated after 90 days of inhalation exposure.


李培宁,刘香梅,黄静怡,李光先,刘 颖,孙 侠,何树锋,梁俊杰,刘冬虹.全塑型塑胶跑道面层材料对大鼠静式吸入毒性研究[J].中国比较医学杂志,2022,32(7):49~57.

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  • 收稿日期:2021-12-22
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-11-09