
1.江西中医药大学实验动物科技中心,南昌 330004;2.江西医疗服务指导中心,南昌 330006; 3.江西省中药药理学重点实验室,南昌 330004



Effects of aqueous extract of Mosla chinensis Maxim cv. Jiangxiangru on serum biochemical and physiological indexes and immune function in rats with hyperlipidemia

1.Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanchang 330004, China. 2. Jiangxi Medical Service Guidance Center, Nanchang 330006. 3. Jiangxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Traditional Chinese Medicine Pharmacology, Nanchang 330004

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    目的 探讨江香薷水提液对高脂模型大鼠的治疗改善作用,为江香薷温胃和中、健脾化湿传统功效提供现代药理学依据。 方法 采用高脂饲料喂养建立高脂模型,依据甘油三酯(TCH)水平分成模型组(蒸馏水)、 江香薷低剂量组(0.2 mg / kg)和高剂量组(1 mg / kg),另设正常对照组(蒸馏水),各组按设计剂量给药 8 周,观察大鼠体重、血常规、生理生化指标以及各组大鼠能量代谢、肠胃功能免疫炎症反应,小肠推进度,统计分析后比较各组的数据,评估江香薷水提液对高脂模型大鼠的作用和江香薷的温胃和中健脾化湿作用。 结果 实验结果表明江香薷水提液对高脂血症模型大鼠体重有比较明显的降低作用,也可降低高脂血症大鼠的血脂水平。与对照组比较,模型组大鼠小肠推进率、肠管含水量,血清胃泌素和血清胃动素含有量减少,喂食江香薷水提液后,江香薷给药各组大鼠与模型组比较小肠推进速率、肠管含水量、血清胃泌素和血清胃动素随着给药量的增加,其中小肠推进差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),与对照组比较,高血脂模型组大鼠血清钠钾 ATP 酶、淀粉酶 AMS 活降低,水通道蛋白 AQP2 生成量增加,其中 AMS 差异达到统计学上的显著水平(P<0.05),而江香薷水提液给药组与模型组比较,血清 Na+ -K+-ATP 酶、AMS 活性随着给药量增加而增强,AQP2 含有量增加但随着给药量的增加而减弱,其中 AMS 差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 江香薷水提液可以显著促进高脂血症大鼠的小肠推进度,调节肠胃功能,能显著改善 AMS 活性同时对胃动素、胃泌素以及相关的生化和免疫功能改善高脂血症大鼠的症状。


    Objective To explore the therapeutic effects of aqueous extract of Mosla chinensis Maxim cv. Jiangxiangru (MCM) on a high -fat diet rat model, and to provide modern pharmacological evidence for the traditional effects (known as warming the stomach and strengthening the spleen from dampness) of MCM. Methods The high-fat model was established by providing a high-fat diet to rats, which were divided into a model group ( distilled water), low- dose (0.2 mg / kg) MCM group and high-dose (1 mg / kg) MCM group. The MCM was administered for 8 weeks, and a normal control group (distilled water) received a normal diet. Body weights, blood routine biochemical and physiological indicators, energy metabolism, gastrointestinal function, the immune inflammatory response, and small intestinal propulsion of each group were compared by statistical analysis. Data from each group was compared to evaluate the effects of the aqueous extract of MCM on the high-fat model and the effect of MCM on stomach warming and spleen dampness. Results The experimental results showed that the aqueous extract of MCM had a significant effect on reducing the body weight and lipid levels of hyperlipidemic rats. Compared with the control group, the small intestine propulsion speed, intestinal moisture content, and gastrin (GAS) and motilin (MTL) levels were reduced in the model group. Compared with the model group, the intestinal propulsion rate, intestinal water content, and serum GAS and MTL levels showed a dose- dependent increase in MCM-treated rats, with a significant difference in small intestine propulsion (P< 0.05). Compared with the control group, serum sodium potassium pump and amylase (AMS) vitalities were reduced, and aquaporin 2 (AQP2) concentration increased, in the model group, but only AMS activity was significantly different ( P< 0.05). Compared with the model group, serum Na+ -K+-ATPase and AMS activity increased with an increasing dose of MCM, and the content of AQP2 increased but decreased with the increase of dose. The change in AMS activity was significantly different (P< 0.05). Conclusions The aqueous extract of MCM can significantly promote small intestine propulsion in hyperlipidemic rats, regulate gastrointestinal function, and significantly improve the activity of AMS. Additionally, MCM can improve some symptoms, including MTL, GAS and related biochemical and immune functions, of hyperlipidemia in rats.


陈雨然,刘 莉,李龙雪,洪 滔,刘隆霸,杨志龙,程 洪,刘志勇.江香薷水提液对高脂血症大鼠胃肠生理生化及免疫功能的影响[J].中国比较医学杂志,2021,31(12):84~90.

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  • 收稿日期:2020-09-09
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-01-28