灵芝三萜酸经 Pnpla3 基因的降脂效果体外试验———基于长爪沙鼠肝原代细胞的脂变模型

1.杭州医学院(浙江省医学科学院),杭州 310013; 2.浙江大学,杭州 310058



Lipid-lowering effect of Ganoderma lucidum triterpene acid (GLTA) via Pnpla3: an in vitro steatosis model in liver parenchyma cells of the Mongolian gerbil

1.Hangzhou Medical College(Zhejiang Academy of Medical Sciences), Hangzhou 310013, China. 2.Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058

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    目的 建立长爪沙鼠 Pnpla3 基因敲减的肝原代细胞的脂变模型,并用于评价灵芝三萜酸的降脂效果。 方法 分离培养长爪沙鼠肝原代实质细胞,以棕榈酸(PA)诱导成肝脂变模型,根据 Pnpla3 三个外显子序列设计、合成三对 Pnpla3 基因的干扰 RNA 载体,并通过 qPCR 及 Western blot 法检测 Pnpla3 的表达量及干扰效率筛选出一对稳转肝实质的干扰载体。以高(1 μmol / L)、中(0. 1 μmol / L)、低(0. 01 μmol / L)三个剂量的灵芝三萜酸培养细胞,并以阳性药物蛋氨酸(7 μmol / L)为对照,检测干扰 Pnpla3 基因后的细胞甘油三酯(TG)的含量以进行降脂效果观察。 结果 诱导 24 h 内,长爪沙鼠肝脂变细胞脂滴增加的较多且大多数细胞形状正常的 PA 400 μmol / L 为造模的合适浓度,以 Pnpla3 的第二外显子为靶点设计的 siRNA2 组敲低效果最好,干扰效率高于 70%。 干扰 Pnpla3 基因可以起到降低细胞内 TG 的作用,单独加入中高剂量的灵芝三萜酸有明显的降脂效果(P< 0. 01),干扰 Pnpla3 基因与加入灵芝三萜酸的降脂效应具有累积作用(P< 0. 01)。 结论 建立了长爪沙鼠肝实质原代细胞的脂变模型,灵芝三萜酸对干扰 Pnpla3 基因后的长爪沙鼠肝实质细胞中 TG 的含量有明显的抑制或减轻作用,灵芝三萜酸降脂效应与磷脂代谢相关 2 个通路(ko00561,ko00564)中 Pnpla3 基因的表达相关。


    Objective To establish a steatosis model in Mongolian gerbil primary liver cells and to evaluate the effect of Pnpla3 knockdown and Ganoderma lucidum triterpenic acid (GLTA) on lowering lipid content. Methods Primary gerbil liver parenchyma cells were isolated and cultured, and a liver steatosis model was induced by palmitic acid (PA4; 400 μmol / L). Three interfering RNA vectors targeting three Pnpla3 exons were constructed and stably transfected into parenchyma liver cells. The efficiency of Pnpla3 interference was determined. Cells were cultured with high (1 μmol / L), medium (0. 1 μmol / L) and low (0. 01 μmol / L) doses of GLTA and with the positive control drug, methionine (7 μmol / L), and triglyceride (TG) content was determined with and without Pnpla3 knockdown. Results Within 24 hours of induction, PA increased the number of lipid droplets and most cells were of normal shape. siRNA2, designed against the second exon of Pnpla3, had the best knockdown effect and interference efficiency was higher than 70%. Pnpla3 knockdown reduced intracellular TG content. Medium and high dose GLTA had obvious lipid-lowering effects (P< 0. 01), and Pnpla3 knockdown and GLTA had cumulative effects (P< 0. 01). Conclusions A lipid transformation model in primary gerbil hepatocytes was established. GLTA inhibited or reduced the TG content in cells after Pnpla3 knockdown, and the lipid lowering effect of GLTA was associated with the expression of Pnpla3 in two KEGG pathways ( ko00561 and ko00564), which are related to phospholipid metabolism.


刘月环,么春艳,吴旧生.灵芝三萜酸经 Pnpla3 基因的降脂效果体外试验———基于长爪沙鼠肝原代细胞的脂变模型[J].中国比较医学杂志,2021,31(3):16~22.

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  • 收稿日期:2020-09-30
  • 在线发布日期: 2021-04-30