辛伐他汀PLGA 缓释微球对大鼠椎间盘退变的影响

(1. 中南大学湘雅医学院,长沙 410013; 2. 扬州大学临床医学院,江苏扬州 225001; 3. 扬州大学医学院药学系,江苏扬州 225001; 4. 北京大学第三医院骨科,北京 100191)





Intradiscal injection of simvastatin⁃loaded PLGA microspheres retards progression of intervertebral disc degeneration in a rat model

(1. Xiangya School of Medicine Central South University, Changsha 410013, China; 2. Deparment of Orthopedics, Clinical Medical College of Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225001; 3. Pharmacology Deparment of Medical School of Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225001; 4. Deparment of Orthopaedics, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing 100191)

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    目的 探讨辛伐他汀PLGA 缓释微球局部注射治疗大鼠椎间盘退变的疗效?方法 通过复乳法制备辛伐他汀PLGA 缓释微球,观察微球的表征及体外释药情况?将SD 大鼠椎间盘退变模型分为对照组(注射生理盐水)及实验组(注射辛伐他汀PLGA 微球),注射2?4 周后处死实验动物,通过影像学?组织学及分子生物学进行评估?结果 辛伐他汀PLGA 缓释微球呈球形?形状规则,表面光滑,平均粒径为(1. 52 ±0. 54)μm,载药率为(23. 3± 1. 3)%,包封率为(90. 4 ±2. 6)%?体外药物释放试验显示在最初24 h 内释放率为45%,而在随后144 h 内累计释放率超过81. 2%?实验组治疗后椎间盘退变程度有所减轻,与对照组同时间点比较,椎间隙高度指数?MRI 评分?HE 染色及甲苯胺蓝染色评分差异均有显著性( P < 0. 05)?实验组中骨形态发生蛋白2(bone morphogenetic protein?2,BMP?2)?II 型胶原?蛋白多糖及缺氧诱导因子1α(hypoxia inducible factor?1α,HIF?1α))的mRNA 表达较对照组明显增加( P < 0. 05)?结论 制备的辛伐他汀PLGA 缓释微球可达到较好的药物缓释效果?局部注射辛伐他汀PLGA 缓释微球可以改善椎间盘退变程度,促进髓核组织中II 型胶原及蛋白多糖表达,其机制可能与HIF?1α及BMP?2 表达增加有关?


    Objective To investigate the effect of the local injection of simvastatin?loaded PLGA microspheres on intervertebral disc degeneration in a rat model. Methods The simvastatin?loaded PLGA microspheres were prepared by a double emulsion method ; at the same time, the characteristics and drug release in vitro of the microspheres were observed. The intervertebral disc degeneration models were injected with simvastatin?loaded PLGA microspheres (experimental group) or saline solution (control group). The rats were sacrificed and evaluated by radiological, histological, and molecular biology analyses at predetermined time points. Results The morphology of the microspheres was homogeneous, with a smooth surface and an average size of about 1. 52 ± 0. 54 μm. Drug loading efficiency and the rate of drug loading of the microspheres were approximately 90. 4 ±2. 6% and 23. 3 ±1. 3%. The drug release rate of the microspheres within the first 24 h was about 45%. In addition, the cumulative release rate was more than 81. 2% in the subsequent 144 h. A single dose of simvastatin?loaded PLGA microspheres injected into the intervertebral disc showed a tendency to increase the mRNA levels of bone morphogenetic protein?2 (BMP?2), collagen type II, proteoglycan, and hypoxia?inducible factor?1α (HIF?1α). The disc height index% (DHI) and MRI scores of the experimental group were all significantly different from those in the control group in the same period. In addition, simvastatin treatment also improved histological changes induced by needle puncture. Conclusions Simvastatin?loaded PLGA microspheres hold great promise for use as a drug?delivery system. The injection of simvastatin?loaded PLGA microspheres into degenerated intervertebral disc may result in the retardation of disc degeneration. Moreover, the expression of collagen type II and proteoglycan was also increased, the mechanism of which might be related to the increased expression of HIF?1α and BMP?2.


陈涛,奚菊群,刘忠军,王静成,冯新民,张亮,杨建东,黄泽楠,毕松超.辛伐他汀PLGA 缓释微球对大鼠椎间盘退变的影响[J].中国比较医学杂志,2018,28(8):49~55.

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  • 收稿日期:2018-03-21
  • 在线发布日期: 2018-09-17