

Effect of maternal separation stress on behavior of neonatal rd mice
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    目的 rd小鼠是一种出生1周左右自发致盲的遗传性视网膜变性小鼠。通过母婴分离应激实验,检测其对rd新生小鼠的焦虑样和抑郁样行为的影响,初步评价rd小鼠能否成为眼部疾病与焦虑抑郁研究新的模型。方法 将出生第1天的rd小鼠分为母婴分离组(n=9)和对照组(n=9)。母婴分离组每天与母鼠分离4 h,共分离28 d。从第29天开始行为测试实验,通过Smart3动物行为跟踪软件检测母婴分离组和对照组在旷场实验和十字高架实验中的焦虑样行为,在强迫游泳实验和悬尾实验中的抑郁样行为。结果 在旷场实验中,母婴分离组在旷场中心的时间比例(0.88%)和运动距离(28.17±5.65)cm均明显少于对照组(2.61%,109.9±9.79 cm;P=0.04,P=0.001);在十字高架实验中,母婴分离组在开放臂的时间(40.64±4.13)s明显少于对照组(91.73±11.26 s,P<0.01);在强迫游泳实验中,母婴分离组的不动时间(126.5±10.22)s明显多于对照组(77.75±16.83 s,P=0.02);在悬尾实验中,母婴分离组的不动时间(21.56±6.83)s多于对照组(7.37±3.22 s,P=0.03)。结论 rd小鼠母婴分离28 d应激,能够明显增加rd小鼠的焦虑样行为和抑郁样行为。


    Objective To evaluate the effect of maternal separation stress on the behavior of neonatal rd mice. Methods Neonatal rd mice were divided into maternal separation (MS) group (n=9) and control group (n=9). MS-stress was induced in the MS group by 4-hour-separation per day for 28 days. Open field test, elevated plus maze test, forced swim test and tail suspension test were used to evaluate the anxiety-like and depression-like behavior of the neonatal rd mice.Results The stay time and distance travelled of MS group in the central zone were 0.88% and 28.17±5.65 cm, respectively, significantly shorter than that of the control group (2.61%,109.9±9.79 cm. P=0.04, P=0.001). Compared with the control group, the stay time in open arms of the MS group was significantly decreased (P<0.01), while the immobility time in forced swim test and tail suspension test of the MS group were 126.5±10.22 s and 21.56±6.83 s, significantly longer than that of the control group (77.75±16.83 s, P=0.02, 7.37±3.22 s, P=0.03). Conclusions The 28-day maternal separation stress can significantly increase the anxiety-like and depression-like behavior in neonatal rd mice.

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  • 收稿日期:2016-11-28
  • 在线发布日期: 2017-04-28