

Investigation on the natural infection of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus and study on experimental infection of the virus in mice
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    目的 了解小鼠脑脊髓炎病毒(TMEV)自然感染情况,探究人工感染TMEV小鼠体内各脏器组织中病毒分布及血清抗体变化。方法 采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)和荧光定量RT-PCR(qRT-PCR)检测方法对2010年~2015年广东地区采集的SPF级小鼠、开放环境饲养的小鼠以及野生褐家鼠临床样本进行TMEV检测。36只ICR小鼠经脑内接种TMEV BeAn病毒,每天观察动物的临床症状,在接种第0、3、7、10、17、21、31、39、46天每个时间点分别对3只动物安乐死,剖检并取血清和组织脏器样本进行TMEV检测。结果 SPF级小鼠TMEV抗体阳性率为5.29%(n=2834),核酸阳性率为27.27%(n=457);开放环境饲养的小鼠的抗体和核酸阳性率分别为71.95%(n=82)和53.66%(n=82);野生褐家鼠中核酸阳性率为25.93%(n=27)。TMEV阳性小鼠中仅有两只小鼠表现有明显的临床症状。盲肠内容物、粪便和脑是qRT-PCR检测的最佳选择样本。ICR小鼠脑内接种TMEV BeAn病毒后第3 d可在脑、心脏、肝脏、肺脏和胃中检测到病毒核酸,脾脏、肾脏和盲肠中未检测到病毒核酸。肝脏、心脏、肺脏和胃中的病毒在接种后第10天已完全清除,脑中的病毒一直持续存在到第46天试验结束。小鼠感染后第7天可以检测到抗体,随后抗体水平逐渐升高,接种后17 d抗体阳性率达100%,并一直到46 d都可以维持较高的抗体水平。人工感染小鼠呈隐性感染,临床上并未表现明显症状和眼观病理变化。结论 广东地区实验小鼠和野生褐家鼠均存在TMEV感染,且感染率较高。小鼠接种TMEV BeAn毒株后呈隐性感染,感染小鼠第7天可以产生抗体且持续存在。病毒在感染小鼠肝脏、心脏、肺脏和胃中短时间存在,而在脑中长期存在。qRT-PCR与ELISA两种检测方法具有较好的一致性,qRT-PCR检测方法可作为实验动物国家标准的有力补充。


    Objective To investigate the natural infection of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV) in mice, and to survey the distribution of virus in tissues and the changes of serum antibody in the experimentally TMEV-infected mice. Methods Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and fluorescence quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) assay were used to detect the antibody and nucleic acid of TMEV in clinical samples. These samples included SPF mice collected from Guangdong area in 2010-2015, mice obtained from a non-barrier laboratory rodent colony, and wild Rattus norvegicus live-trapped around the non-barrier laboratory rodent colony. 36 ICR mice were intracerebrally inoculated with TMEV BeAn strain. The clinical signs of the animals were observed daily post-inoculation. Three mice were euthanatized at day 0, 3, 7, 10, 17, 21, 31, 39 and 46 post-inoculation (dpi), respectively. Tissue and serum samples were collected for TMEV detection. Results The TMEV antibody and nucleic acid positive rates of SPF mice collected from Guangdong area in 2010-2015 were 5.29% (n=2834) and 27.27% (n=457), respectively. The TMEV antibody and nucleic acid positive rates of the mice obtained from a non-barrier laboratory rodent colony were 71.95% (n=82) and 53.66% (n=82), respectively. The TMEV nucleic acid positive rate of wild Rattus norvegicus was 25.93% (n=27). In the TMEV positive mice, only two mice showed obvious clinical symptoms. The cecal contents, feces and brain samples were the best candidates for qRT-PCR assay. The viral nucleic acid could be detected in the brain, heart, liver, lung and stomach of ICR mice at 3 dpi, but no viral nucleic acid was detected in the spleen, kidney, and cecum. The viruses in liver, heart, lungs and stomach were completely cleared at 10 dpi, and the viruses persisted in the brain throughout the experiment. The TMEV antibody could be detected at 7 dpi, and then the antibody positive rate reached 100% at 17 dpi. The antibody level increased gradually and maintained up to 46 days. ICR mice showed latent infection after TMEV inoculation, with no obvious symptoms and eye pathological changes. Conclusions The experimental mice and wild Rattus norvegicus in Guangdong area are both infected with TMEV, and the infection rate is high. The mice inoculated with TMEV BeAn strain show latent infection. The TMEV antibody produced in mice can be detected at 7 dpi and persisted until the end of the experiment. The viruses are found in the liver, heart, lung and stomach for a short time, but are persisted in the brain for a long time. There is a good consistency of TMEV detection between qRT-PCR and ELISA. The qRT-PCR assay can be used as a powerful complement method for the national standard of laboratory animals.



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  • 收稿日期:2016-11-15
  • 在线发布日期: 2017-04-28