应用16S rRNA高通量测序法比较人与常用实验动物口腔菌群的异同


Comparison of human and animal oral microbiota by Illumina sequencing of 16S rRNA tags
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    目的 应用16S rRNA高通量测序法测定几种常用实验动物(西藏小型猪、比格犬、猕猴、新西兰兔、Wistar大鼠)的口腔菌群,并和人的口腔菌群进行对比分析,为口腔微生态的动物模型研究提供基础性资料。方法 用一次性棉拭子采集西藏小型猪、比格犬、猕猴、新西兰兔、Wistar大鼠和人的口腔菌群标本,提取样品总DNA,使用带标签的通用引物扩增16S rRNA V4区片段,Illumina测序,经BIPES以及QⅡME分析比较菌群多样性及结构。结果 人与5种常用实验动物口腔菌群的丰富度均差异显著(P<0.05),不同种类动物有其各自独特的口腔菌群,但猴的口腔菌群与人最为相似。结论 根据与人口腔某类菌群的相似程度,5种动物中,猴口腔的梭菌属(Fusobacterium)、卟啉菌属(Porphyromonas)水平与人最相似,提示猴可能是研究人口腔菌群较适宜的模型动物。从特定菌门角度,西藏小型猪可能是研究与变形菌门(Proteobacteria)相关疾病的较适宜模型动物;比格犬可能是研究与螺旋体门(Spirochaetes)相关疾病的较适宜模型动物。


    Objective To provide original reference data for oral ecosystem research, Tibet minipigs, beagle dogs, rhesus monkey, New Zealand white rabbits and Wistar rats were selected to study their respective characteristics of oral microbial mmunities and compared with normal data of humans. Methods Total DNA was extracted from the specimens of oral microbial communities of Tibet minipigs, beagle dogs, rhesus monkey, New Zealand white rabbits and Wistar rats, and used to amplify 16S rRNA V4 fragments with labeled universal primers. The diversity and structure of microbial communities from those animals were compared with that of humans using BIPES and QⅡME analysis after Illumina sequencing of 16S rRNA V4 fragments. Results The richness of the oral microbial communities of humans and the five species of laboratory animals was significantly different (P<0.05). Different species of animals have their own unique oral flora, among which the oral flora of the monkey is the most similar to that of humans. Conclusions Among the five species of laboratory animals, the oral microbial communities of rhesus monkeys and humans have highest similarity. Specifically, the Fusobacterium and Porphyromonas levels of rhesus monkeys is most similar to those of humans. Our findings indicate that rhesus monkeys may be suitable animal model for studies of human oral microbial communities. Tibet minipigs may be suitable animal model for Proteobacteria studies, while beagle dogs may be appropriate for modeling of diseases related to Spirochaetes.

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顾东曙,陈傍柱,江霞,刘海月,那顺巴雅尔,周宏伟,顾为望.应用16S rRNA高通量测序法比较人与常用实验动物口腔菌群的异同[J].中国比较医学杂志,2016,26(8):96~102.

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