

Application and Research Progress of Collaborative Cross mice in Infectious Disease Area
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    动物模型是传染病防控研究体系中的重要支撑环节,起到连接实验室基础科研和临床诊疗的桥梁作用。小鼠是目前最被广泛使用的传染病动物模型,然而,免疫系统完整的成熟小鼠很多情况下对某些传染病病原并不易感。近年来,开发临床病例表征与人类更接近的协同杂交(Collaborative Cross, CC)小鼠,又称复杂性状遗传小鼠资源是目前的研究热点和建立疾病动物模型的另一切入口。本文将对目前使用CC小鼠感染传染病病原(包括病毒、细菌、真菌等)后呈现出表型多样性的研究报道做一综述,以期为进一步研究CC小鼠对不同传染病的易感性,丰富我国传染病动物模型资源库,为应对各种重大及新发突发传染病及临床的精细化诊疗提供有价值的参考数据。并在此基础上,提出一系列有关CC小鼠资源目前亟待解决的关键科学技术问题,同时对未来在传染病领域的应用作一展望,以作抛砖引玉之用。


    Animal model plays an important role in prevention and control of infectious disease, which could link basic research in laboratory with clinical diagnosis and treatment for human patients. Mouse is the most widely used animal model of infectious disease, however, adult immunocompetent mice are resistant to some pathogens. The highly genetically diverse Collaborative Cross (CC) mice could recapitulate many of the genetic characteristics of an outbred population, such as humans. Based on this, this review will focus on the application and research progress of CC mice in infectious disease (including viruses, bacteria, fungi etc.), which could provide useful reference data for expansion of animal model resource bank, and implement of precision medicine of major and new emerging infectious diseases. We hope this review could serve as a modest spur to induce other researchers to come forward with their valuable contributions.

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  • 最后修改日期:2016-07-05
  • 在线发布日期: 2016-08-26