Chemical disinfectants are generally used for virus inactivation and environment disinfection in biosafety laboratory, and the efficacy and evaluation of the disinfection are critical to ensure the laboratory biosafety. However, there is a current lack of applied standard to evaluate the virucidal efficacy of chemical disinfectants in our country. In this paper, a European Union standard "Method and Requirements of Virucidal Quantitative Suspension Test Method for Chemical Disinfectants Used in Human Medicine" was analyzed and a standard transformation scheme has been proposed. It is suggested that the model viruses should be increased from 3 to 6, including the surrogate viruses to substitute highly pathogenic viruses, and that the method to remove the residual chemical disinfectant and the calculation of 95% confidence interval should be incorporated into the standard. The suggestion will improve the scientific and operational standards related to disinfection and sterilization in biosafety laboratory in China.