

Epidemiology investigation for reston subtype of ebola virus in north China area
  • GU Song-zhi

    GU Song-zhi

    Key Laboratory of Human Diseases Comparative Medicine, Ministry of Health; Institute of Medical Laboratory Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences; Key Laboratory of Human Diseases Animal Models, State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Peking Union Medicine College, Beijing 100021, China
  • XU Li-li

    XU Li-li

    Key Laboratory of Human Diseases Comparative Medicine, Ministry of Health; Institute of Medical Laboratory Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences; Key Laboratory of Human Diseases Animal Models, State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Peking Union Medicine College, Beijing 100021, China
  • BAO Lin-lin

    BAO Lin-lin

    Key Laboratory of Human Diseases Comparative Medicine, Ministry of Health; Institute of Medical Laboratory Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences; Key Laboratory of Human Diseases Animal Models, State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Peking Union Medicine College, Beijing 100021, China
  • YAO Yan-feng

    YAO Yan-feng

    Key Laboratory of Human Diseases Comparative Medicine, Ministry of Health; Institute of Medical Laboratory Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences; Key Laboratory of Human Diseases Animal Models, State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Peking Union Medicine College, Beijing 100021, China
  • QIN Chuan

    QIN Chuan

    Key Laboratory of Human Diseases Comparative Medicine, Ministry of Health; Institute of Medical Laboratory Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences; Key Laboratory of Human Diseases Animal Models, State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Peking Union Medicine College, Beijing 100021, China
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    目的 了解华北地区埃博拉病毒莱斯顿亚型的分布和流行情况, 为埃博拉病毒病的防控提供理论依据。方法 采集华北地区动物园及养殖场的多种哺乳动物血清, 对其进行埃博拉病毒莱斯顿亚型的检测。结果 采集各种哺乳动物血清共109份, 经Real-time PCR方法检测未检出阳性样品。结论 埃博拉病毒尚未在华北地区流行, 应加强对埃博拉病毒病的知识宣传, 并做好安全防护工作。


    Objective To provide a theoretical basis for the prevention of Ebola virus disease, this survey aims to understand the distribution and prevalence status of Reston subtype of Ebola virus in north china area. Methods Collecting a variety of mammalian serums from zoos and farms in north china area, and detecting Ebola virus of Reston subtype. Results 109 kinds of collected mammalian serums, there were no positive samples detected by the Real-time PCR method. Conclusion Ebola virus has not been found in north china area, we should strengthen the publicity of Ebola virus disease, and do well security work.

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  • 最后修改日期:2015-03-30
  • 在线发布日期: 2015-05-29