1. 广州中医药大学第二附属医院,广州 510006;2. 省部共建中医湿证重点实验室,广州 510006; 3. 广东省中医症候研究重点实验室,广州 510006
1. the Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510006, China. 2. State Key Laboratory of Dampaness Syndrome of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510006. 3. Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Clinical Research on Traditional Chinese Medicine Syndrome, Guangzhou 510006
赵 亚,吴亚运,刘丽娟,赵瑞芝.咪喹莫特致不同免疫状态小鼠银屑病模型比较研究[J].中国比较医学杂志,2022,32(6):41~47.